The days go by so fast! I am home with the girls all day every day, and I have no idea what we do all day! The weather hasn't been great so there haven't been many trips to the pool, but I hope that will change! We have gone a few times, and it went great. Lexie loves the water - she likes to sit and splash. Yes, she is sitting! And very well, with only the occasional tumble. :) Lexie is working on several teeth right now - not fun! I hope they are in soon.
Molly continues to amaze us with her conversation. She talks about anything and everything - I am sure she will lose her voice some day from all the talking! :) She has a new friend down the street, and is always asking if she can go play with Ava. Molly loves to ride her bike and scooter, play in the sandbox, and play with squirt guns and bottles.
Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.