Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Playing at the Pool

We have had a couple of fun trips to the pool in the last week. Molly loves to lay on her belly. Trouble is, she wants Mommy to lay with her, too. That doesn't work so well! She is trying to blow bubbles but doesn't quite have that figured out yet. If Ryan or I go under water, she then wants to go under. So, we dunk her! She comes up smiling and laughing. Glad we don't have a little one who is scared of the water!

Both trips to the pool have been without a swim diaper. She has told me two times each trip that she has to go potty, so I quick grab her and off to the bathroom we go! I would definitely say she is potty trained during the day, which is awesome! I have a break from changing diapers for a few months now! :)

Speaking of the new little one, my ultrasound is in less than a week - on Monday! Yes, we plan to find out the sex of the baby. I will post pictures and let you know Monday night. We are excited!

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