Thursday, April 30, 2009

Big Girl!

Molly has discovered that she can take her clothes off and (sometimes!) get them on herself. Here is picture of her with a dress on over her clothes. I promise I did not dress her like that! She loves her pretty necklace, too!

Even though the weather has not been the greatest, we have been able to be outside some. Molly loves to use chalk on the driveway. Check out this concentration!

We bought her some Dora garden tools, so she had to try them out. Here is the aftermath of using them: dirt on her face! :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ultrasound Pictures

I had my first doctor's appointment today and had an ultrasound. My doc just got a new ultrasound machine - it was AMAZING! Baby is 3.9 centimeters long, and we could see SO much in 3D. Baby was moving his arms, kicking his feet - so adorable. I told Molly before her nap that Mommy was going to have some pictures taken of Baby, and she could look at them when I got home. First thing she said to my mom when she woke up was "Pictures...Mommy...Baby". She doesn't forget a thing! Below are a few pictures. Click on the picture to see it bigger - I labeled some of the body parts.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

21 Months...Tomorrow!

21 months tomorrow for Molly - hard to believe! Just a few months shy of 2 and the terrible two's, so I hear. Two for us here means (hopefully!) potty training, no more pacifier (she just gets it at bedtime), and a big girl bed. Such lofty goals, and ones I hope to have mastered this summer and for sure by November. Why November? Glad you asked! Baby #2 will be here then! Molly already loves to kiss my belly and blow on it. So cute! I wonder what she will think when my belly is big?!?! :)

Other than that exciting news, not much going on here. We can't wait for the weather to get warmer and the wind to stop. Ryan just told me, though, that 3 or 4 inches of snow is in the forecast - I pretended not to hear him. Ryan is anxious to play golf, and we all just want to be outside!

My mom (Molly calls her MeMe), Molly, and I went to Austin, MN during Spring Break to visit my grandma (Molly calls her GiGi). Molly LOVES GiGi. It is so cute! Here is GiGi reading to Molly.

Molly went to her first birthday Saturday. All she talked about was Anna's party for about 3 days. So cute! Here she is before the party.

Here we are enjoying a little family bonding time watching a Mickey Mouse movie before Molly's bedtime.

Cool dudette - need I say more? :)