Thursday, October 29, 2009

Introducing Lexie Ryan!

Lexie Ryan joined us today, 10/29 at 10:29 am. She was 7 pounds 1 ounce and 20 inches. She is just perfect! I am doing great as well! Labor and delivery were quick - just the way I like it! Here are a few pictures from today. I'm sure I will have many more to post in the future.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Playin' in the Leaves!

We spent part of the afternoon today playing in the leaves with Kenzie and Brady at their house. Molly had fun with them and Uncle Brad, Aunt Amy, and Grandpa and Carol, too! Molly could not get enough of being buried in the leaves then rolling out of them. So cute!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fun Weekend!

We had an eventful weekend! Friday night Molly and I went to an elementary school carnival with Emily and Ethan Cahalan. They did the cake walk, went fishing, mini golfed, etc. Suckers were a popular prize!

Sunday we went to the local pumpkin farm with Jeff, Martha, and Cooper Reynolds. We went on a hayride, saw animals, jumped in a big blow up pumpkin, went down slides, and of course, picked out pumpkins! Molly LOVED it!
Here are a couple more cute pictures from the week.

Gotta end this post with our favorite pics - in the bathtub!

Friday, October 9, 2009

I Like To Talk

Just a quick note...I put Molly to bed last night as I always do - lay her down, say her prayer, give her kisses, rub her belly for a minute, then leave. Most nights, she talks or sings for a few minutes then falls asleep. Last night she was yelling for me. So I went in and told her she needed to be quiet, close her eyes, and go to sleep because it was nigh-night time. She looked at me and said, "But Mommy..I'm Molly Ann Ratchford and I like to talk!" What do I say to that? :)